Rehearsal run of Georg Katzer's L'Homme Machine (1998/2015) for speaking double bass player, video, 2-channel fixed media and live electronics.
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Claustrophilia, a page for john Cage (1966)
This short film gives a front-row seat to the premiere of Roberto Gerhard's musical "divertimento" Claustrophilia (1966), for eight harps, four wireless receivers and two monitors. Claustrophilia was purposely conceived by Gerhard in response to John Cage's request for a manuscript page for his famous catalogue "Notations". |
Murmullos del Páramo
This film documents the premiere of the 2010-Tokyo production of Julio Estrada's seminal opera "Murmullos del Páramo." The spatial concept in this composition demands the installation a multi-channel loudspeaker dome above the audience. This dome is used for the real-time spatialization of instruments and voices as well as to project the sound of a 24-channel tape, which is mixed live. |
This is a promo video of a dance-video-performance-installation project entitled Morphogenesis (2003). I was involved in this project as technical director, Max/MSP-Jitter developer, and performer at the computers during the performance. Morphogenesis received various international prizes including an honorable mention in the Telefonica Vida Award '06. |